The Rule of Five: Part I

There are many “rules” or “laws of five.” The one I’d like to speak to, or that most resonates from a leadership and personal or professional growth perspective, goes something like this: “You are the average of the five people closest to you.”


By that, the people we are closest to have a tremendous impact on us. We acquire or are shaped by their lifestyle habits. Look around – chances are you and your closest friends have a lot of the same “habits” in common – for better or for worse.


If you’re a fitness freak, many of your closest friends probably are as well.


Are you surrounded by people who are materialistic and live outside their means, or do your close friends espouse a more modest lifestyle?


Likewise, if many of your circle are ambitious and driven, you probably boast some of these qualities as well.


In other words, those closest to us have the ability to shape us, just as we shape them, in all facets of life – physically, financially, spiritually and professionally.


You must be mindful of those you are closest to – your circle of influence. Assess the company you keep, and be intentional about those individuals nearest and dearest to you. This is not to sound harsh, but whether you realize it or not, those “influencers” can either steer you off course, or in the right direction.


Though you may be so cognizant of continuing education or further professional development or image, your “crew” has the power to influence in a way that rivals these obvious facets of your life that you agonize over.


Don’t treat these relationships lightly.